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Docksiders Activity on the Hamilton waterfront slowed down this week just as residents did for the holiday season.

Meyer Agencies reported that the container ship Bermuda Islander arrived from Salem, New Jersey on Monday with only 36 containers, including four refrigerated ones.

"The numbers are down because of the season,'' a spokesman said.

The ship left local waters on Monday morning.

Meanwhile, the Somers Isles was scheduled yesterday to leave Jacksonville, Florida where it has been drydocked.

No container count was available yesterday. But the ship was scheduled to arrive in Bermuda on Saturday.

Meyer also reported that the oil tanker Stride , which came from Aruba, called at the Esso pier in St. George's on Sunday to offload fuel.

The tanker left for Venezuela yesterday.

Container Ship Management said the Oleander arrived on schedule on Sunday with 50 dry containers and 16 refrigerated ones. It left yesterday morning.