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Meyer Agencies announces rate hike

operational costs at Florida ports has pushed another cargo ship serving Bermuda into raising its own rates.

Meyer Agencies announced yesterday that Somers Isles Shipping, which operates the Somers Isles , is increasing its rates for regular dry-containers by $100 per container as of March 6.

And freight rates for refrigerated containers (house-house, pier-to-house and LCL) will be upped between four and 11 percent, Meyer said.

"Somers Isles Shipping have found it necessary to increase their rates at this time due to increases in operational and stevedoring costs in Bermuda and Florida. In order for Somers Isles Shipping to maintain its high levels of services .. . this increase is required,'' an agent said.

Bermuda International Shipping Limited, which operates Bermuda Islander , announced in a newsletter to customers earlier this year that there would be a general freight increase effective February 6 due also to recent increases in port and stevedoring charges both in the United States and in Bermuda. BISL put the cost of shipping dry containers up by $125 and refrigerated containers by $150.

Oleander operators, Container Ship Management, followed suit with similar increases.

Stevedoring Service boss Mr. Michael Lohan has justified his company's six-percent rate increase for servicing Hamilton docks by saying wage increase settlements each year had "far outstripped'' other cost increases.