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BFA reschedule matches

attempt to clear up a backlog of matches brought on by the recent bad weather.A third attempt will be made to play the Friendship and Shield matches between North Village and Somerset and St. David's and Port Royal.

attempt to clear up a backlog of matches brought on by the recent bad weather.

A third attempt will be made to play the Friendship and Shield matches between North Village and Somerset and St. David's and Port Royal. The matches have twice been hit by inclement weather and are scheduled for next Tuesday at BAA Field.

Also next week is a First Division match between Somerset and Devonshire Cougars next Thursday at Somerset. A Second Division makeup match may lead off the night but has not yet been confirmed.

Another night of make-up matches is scheduled for February 16 at PHC Stadium where North Village play Boulevard and Wolves take on Prospect, the latter having been postponed on January 8 because of a waterlogged pitch at Devonshire Rec.

Meanwhile, Saturday's First Division match between PHC and North Village has been put back to Sunday to allow the teams to have their Under-23 squad players available, as would be the case with the teams on Sunday.