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Things they say

United States. They are saying `Oh no, Bermudians have gone mad one more time'. -- Mrs. Grace Bell (UBP) "We could find ourselves creating a recession for ourselves. That is how delicate our society is at the moment.'' -- Premier the Hon. Sir John Swan on the consequences of a lengthy hotel strike.

"I've been hearing...`Let's go back to where we were before and technology will save us. But the demographics are changing in Bermuda and many people will not register unless reminded.'' -- Sir John on voter registration.

"We are not perfect at Works and Engineering, though we are working toward that.'' -- Works and Engineering Ministerthe Hon. Leonard Gibbons.

"We must stop overlooking our own people... whether you like Dr. Hodgson or not she is committed to ending racism...she is qualified and quite capable of handling this.'' -- Ms Renee Webb (PLP) on including activist Dr.

Eva Hdgson in Government race relations seminars.