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MP's hope for buyer for St. George's club

Both Government MP Mr. Phillip Smith and Opposition member Ms Jennifer Smith say the closure of St. George's timeshare development would be a disaster for the Old Town.

buyer, according to area MPs.

Both Government MP Mr. Phillip Smith and Opposition member Ms Jennifer Smith say the closure of St. George's timeshare development would be a disaster for the Old Town.

But both are reasonably confident that a buyer will come in and save the club to boost the town.

St. George's has already been hit by the extended closure of the Club Med in 1989 and the failure to secure a cruise ship to exclusively visit the town.

Now business people are hoping that months of legal wrangles by creditors over the timeshare scheme will be solved in time for summer.

Mr. Smith said: "When we look at the club right now, it is the only permanent residence in St. George's. Without the club, St. George's would be a ghost town.

"If it was to close it would be a nightmare and a shock to the people of St.

George's and to the businesses, especially those who have established relationships with people living there.'' Mr. Smith said that although the club was in a state of limbo he felt that work by the Minister of Tourism, the Hon. C.V. Jim Woolridge and his department had been beneficial.

Mr. Smith said that he would not believe that the St. George's Club had been saved until he sees a cash deposit.

Shadow Minister of Education and Culture, Ms Smith said that it would be disastrous if the club closed.

She said: "I do not want to think about that scenario but if that was a possibility I am quite sure that the business people and Corporation of St.

George's would be putting extra effort into doing something. It would put the town in a very difficult position.'' Ms Smith pointed out that the Club Med was continuing to employ "a person'' and seemed to be preparing for a summer re-opening.

She said: "It would be good news if a buyer was found for St. George's Club and the Club Med re-opened.

"I do not see why somebody should not buy the club. It is a good looking place and fits in with architecture of St. George's.

"The Government has given a lot of financial help to the west end even though they have a lovely old town here that can be developed into a cultural tourism attraction.''