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(right) is churning out youngsters who are capable of functioning in the working world. Under the guidance of school secretary Melva Paynter, third, fourth and fifth year students are learning a variety of secretarial skills which they practice on a day-to-day basis. This month the students are visiting local offices to learn about office management from experienced secretaries and they recently went to a business luncheon at Palmetto Hotel with Mrs. Paynter and school principal Cathy Bassett. Pictured, from left (back row), are Mrs. Paynter, Jamal Harvey, Che Tweed, Sierra Grimes, Tiffany Smith, Barry Lorenzio, Jahquannah Crockwell, Kamike Symons, Zuenna Coddrington and Ms Bassett. Pictured, from right (front row), are T'deanne Spence, Teko Bean and Oscar Bullard.