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What on earth do we need from the Caribbean Community?

WITH Government's track record so far of corruption, looking out for their own benefits and bonuses ? and the lack of any really tangible progress or improvement in addressing any of our numerous and incredibly important social problems ? I and many other Bermudians like me are seriously questioning their leadership.

Why the obsession with the Caribbean? Last time I looked, we were in the Atlantic. What do we have in common with Caribbean islands other than our climate and our beautiful beaches? I would say it begins and ends there.

Culturally, politically and economically we are unique. Bermudians and our island proudly stand out as an example to the Caribbean; we have always stood strongly alone. We have not crippled ourselves with the unnecessary mantle of Independence. We already rule ourselves ? we are an advanced, educated, cosmopolitan, proud, beautiful, successful and wonderful people! We are light years ahead of ANY Caribbean island community in terms of our overall wealth, success and advancement.

We, as Bermudians, are born with better opportunities, the chance of a better education, a better planned and cared for cleaner and more beautiful environment, better standard of housing, better medical care, better employment opportunities, a thriving international business community, a standard of living higher than any other country in the world. What on earth do we need from the Caribbean Community?

We are not part of a Caribbean. Bermuda IS our nation. We are our own people ? we are made up of people of many races and from many heritages around the world. I am so sick of hearing our country divided into races. Black, white, Portuguese, it is SO irrelevant to the here and now ? we are all leaves on the same tree! We are all Bermudian.

Our Government is cleaving to the rest of the Caribbean in preparation for Independence and they are positioning themselves to take Bermuda down a road that our people will come to regret.

Long before we ever get to the Referendum stage on Independence (if we are, in fact, even going to be afforded the opportunity for a Referendum) we need to be educated in an unbiased capacity as to just what Independence will mean for our country and how it will impact on our everyday lives, property values, standards of living, etc.

We need to know how Independence will benefit us andIndependence will benefit us. This is not what is happening. The groundwork is being laid in preparation for a quietly planned outcome for our country under this Government's leadership with we, the people, NOT being consulted or kept informed.

What will be next? What will happen if we close our doors to the international wealth that has ensured our stable growth and economy for as long as the history of Bermuda can remember? Goodbye to all of the money from our wealthy residents and guests that has supported our economy, our employment, our charities (don't forget our charities ? without international financial support, they would fold and thousands of Bermudians would suffer as a result). Goodbye to the harmonious way in which Bermudians have always dwelled side by side with our guest residents and the way in which we all assimilate so well.

The recent policy change regarding the sale of top-end real estate to foreigners is, in my opinion, the beginning of "The Great Divide" between home-owning non-Bermudians and Bermudians (all our non-Bermudians will be benefiting from Bermuda real estate that will appreciate in value directly proportionate to its limited availability and the right to sell to an international market of the super wealthy, while we Bermudians will be completely reliant upon our local economy to dictate where our real estate market values will level off, rise or fall.

There will be no balancing and supporting influx of international money in the purchase of currently available high end homes and condos currently belonging to Bermudians to help keep our local market buoyant.)

Government may think that this first step is a sure-fired way for the "haves to continue to have and the have-nots to have more" but that isn't so ? all they have done is started Bermuda down a path towards mediocrity. Instead of solving our housing crisis by building affordable housing for Bermudians on any one of the many available sites, what are they doing? Trying instead to devalue our entire real estate market in the hopes that the "have-nots" may suddenly be in a position to afford to buy our Islands grossly devalued real estate? It will never happen. Not going about it this way.

If Government is leading us all down the path I believe they are, it is much more likely the following will be our "progress":

1. Government policy is changed which will drive the value of real estate owned by Bermudians.

This same policy will drive the value of real estate owned by non-Bermudians.

This will create a chasm of inequity between Bermudian property owners and non-Bermudian property owners.

2. The introduction of currency controls will force us to leave all our assets in Bermuda.

3. We will be led into Independence.

How can we possibly pay for this expensive move?

4. It will be paid for by devaluing the Bermuda dollar.

End result?

1. We are Independent.

2. We are members of Caricom.

3. Our Bermuda dollar isn't worth jack on the world market.

4. The majority of Bermudians' assets are tied up in Bermuda real estate so we are no longer the richest country per capita in the world in large part because our local property values have declined so dramatically.

5. We have no natural resources to support ourselves.

I have asked this question over and over again: would Government explain to me how our thriving island could benefit from Independence and/or being a member of Caricom? How will we financially support and sustain such a move given that we are driving all of our visiting wealth away and this policy ensures that any new wealth buying into Bermuda will never enter our economy? Where is all the money needed to support us going to come from?

Surely in considering all angles before making such a huge decision, we should look to others that have made similar decisions and gauge the end results of their politicians' actions ? all done in the name of creating more egalitarian societies and a more equitable economic balance for their people.

Look at Jamaica. A beautiful country once rich in natural resources, now a very poor country, paralysed by crime. Do you think Jamaica is a country to be emulated? She is mired in poverty without sufficient life-sustaining income from the outside world. Is this what we want for our beautiful Bermuda?

Yet, here is our Government making our international residents and guest workers feel more and more unwelcome as they continue to move Bermuda away from the successful capitalism it has enjoyed for so long and which has worked to the benefit of all Bermudians in terms of creating such a strong and wealthy little island. There are other ways to take care of our own without biting off the hands that are feeding us.

If Bermudians sit back and let our Government change all our laws and make our guest residents and workers so uncomfortable that they start pulling out of Bermuda and head for more friendly shores they will take with them all of their money, all of the high rents their staff are paying that support our mortgages, all of the money they donate to our hospitals, our schools, our charities, not to mention all of the volunteer labour forces that drive most of our charities.

This would result in so many Bermudians suffering. The houses they paid so many of their hard- earned dollars for would now be worth a quarter of that because they couldn't pay the mortgage because the guest worker that was renting the house has left the island because their company has pulled out because they were no longer welcome here.

Is this what we want? The knock-on effect is so predictable. So is the sad end result.

Unemployment will run at an unprecedented high, Government will introduce income tax to support the unemployed (who now can't afford to own real estate any more because they are unemployed). All of us, right down to the hardest working menial labourer will be taxed on their income to support, house, feed and clothe all of the poor Bermudians who lost their houses when the non-Bermudians left and who lost their jobs when the exempt companies pulled out. They can join the huge numbers of already homeless people living on our streets now! We should be taking care of them now when we are wealthy enough to actually be able to afford to help.

I ask again, is this what we want?

I believe we need some long-term decisions to be made and implemented by our Government, facing and solving our current social crises and building some very strong Bermudian community foundations to sustain us and our future we are all marched forward into Independence, alienating our international guests (and their money) on our way, devaluing our real estate, the consequent necessity for currency controls, and all of the social ills that will befall us when we become impoverished by the repeated blows these premature and ill-advised Government decisions will deal our economy.

I am not a strict supporter of the Progressive Labour Party and I am not a strict supporter of the United Bermuda Party ? I am, however, a fervent supporter of (and harbour a great love for) my fellow Bermudians. I care very much about our future and the future of our children. The decisions we make now will determine the way forward.

We have been a strong and fairly governed island ? we have achieved so much as an international destination for the corporate world. If we could maintain our course under an honest and dedicated political party leadership we would all continue to flourish. I believe now absolutely that under our current leadership we will be pulled right off our road of success, Bermuda as we know it will begin her decline, we will alienate international business and interest in us and we will be severely compromised.

I believe this policy change is the first tangible public sign of the direction in which our Government is leading us. Is this the direction we all believe is in our best interests? If not, what are we as concerned Bermudians going to do about it?

If I am right in any of the above ramblings, I would love to hear the loud voices of ANY politicians or members of the public who would speak out against the direction I fear our island is headed. I would love to see the faces of those who would come together from either political party. Maybe it is time to stand up a Bermuda Party.

I would gladly join forces with fellow Bermudians committed to rising to the challenge of governing our countrya hidden agenda, to present Bermudians with options that we can comprehend ? leaders that are committed to proving through tangible results that their leadership is strong, ethical and truly in the best interests of Bermudians long term.

Our present Government that we so trustingly voted into power is putting at risk our island and the future prosperity of our people.

Sir John Swan, if you are reading this, I believe Bermuda needs your sound and strong leadership once again; now more than ever before.

The future direction of our country, our Bermuda, our people, is on the line.