Democracy at work With election talk at the top of Bermuda's agenda and candidates out knocking on doors, not to mention the wide array of political
a democratic process.
This is the free and open process of choosing the people and the political party Bermudians want to run the Country until such time as the people have a chance to choose again. The certainty of a free election is a system not given to all the people of this world so many of whom still live with oppression of one kind or another. It is fashionable these days to decry Britain's historic influence over Bermuda but it is thanks to the long legacy of British democracy and the British rule of law that Bermudians are about as free as anyone can be.
Yes, there are strictures placed on us by the law, much of which is designed to protect the very freedom we vote for and yes there are often uncomfortable curbs on our actions created by living in a small and basically very conservative Island. But, by and large, our system works well.
That is not to say that there should not be changes. Constructive change is the way a democratic country grows and develops and meets the wishes of the people. Many things which were accepted in the past are looked on today with distaste ranging from a frown to repulsion but that is why we have democracy.
If the people do not like it then they are free to change it by their vote, by public protest or simply by public opinion which demonstrates to the "powers that be'' that it is time for a change.
The truth is that in Bermuda most people can have more of a public say and make more of a public impression than any individual citizen can in a much larger place. Public opinion can be expressed in any number of ways from public forums to letters to the Editor to talk shows and just the fact that politicians, who in most countries preach from platforms, actually go face to face and knock on doors in Bermuda. You can be heard in Bermuda and that is an essence of democracy. You can even get to talk to the Premier and Cabinet Ministers which is only possible in a small place.
It is not unusual to hear people suggest that Bemuda is undemocratic but when you reflect on how Bermuda works and remember that democracy is the ability to make change, to vote privately without reprisal, to be heard and to create public opinion then you have to believe that while it is not perfect Bermuda is a democratic place.