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Help us win Dr. Biscet's freedom

"I am innocent of the charges which condemned me; reason why I will not abandon my present stance . . . a real man does not betray his ideals . . . I merely appeal to the living God. Pray to our God for He is not impartial nor does He abandon His servants. I am in good health but lonely." - Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet

June 17, 2003

"I am innocent of the charges which condemned me; reason why I will not abandon my present stance . . . a real man does not betray his ideals . . . I merely appeal to the living God. Pray to our God for He is not impartial nor does He abandon His servants. I am in good health but lonely." - Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet

WE, the League of Afro-Cuban Women, would like to thank you for highlighting the plight of prisoner of conscience Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet in the Mid-Ocean News (June 13, 2003) and, through the medium of your newspaper, would like to appeal to all Bermudians of good will to help us win his release from Fidel Castro's prisons.

In a letter dated June 1, 2003 (excerpted below) Elsa Morejon Hernandez, wife of Dr. Oscar E. Biscet, publicly appealed to the world from Havana, Cuba on behalf of her husband, serving a 25-year prison sentence at the provincial prison in Pinar Del Rio called "Kilo Cinco y Medio". Below are highlights of the letter depicting the present critical status of this prisoner of conscience as revealed by his wife.

Dr. Biscet (pictured) has been in solitary confinement since April 23, 2000 for refusing to wear the common prisoner's uniform and all his rights are suspended. His family has not seen him since.

Since April 23, 2000 he has been wearing the same pair of shorts and bath slippers.

He is imprisoned in a cell three feet by six feet with insufficient light and ventilation, no running water, a hole for the toilet and unsanitary conditions.

He is prohibited from receiving visits or having contact with the outside world.

He has no access to fresh air or sunlight.

He is sleeping on the floor.

He cannot keep any personal belongings such as books, including his Bible.

He cannot have access to any writing material or receive any mail.

"My husband is a peaceful, God-loving, non-violent human being and not an animal . . .," says Elsa Morejon Hernandez. "The prison measures against him violate the international human rights treaties against torture and other cruel, inhumane or degrading punishments, of which Cuba is a signatory. "They violate his physical integrity and . . . lead to negative consequences such as serious illnesses. Regardless of their status, prisoners have rights in accordance with Article 31 of (Cuban) prison rules that state: 'Corporal punishment, imprisonment in a dark cell as well as any cruel, inhumane or humiliating punishment is strictly prohibited as disciplinary action'.

"My husband's health was good before he went to prison in 1999 but now he is suffering from high blood pressure and gum diseases . . .

"His crimes are: Honouring the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, opposing the death penalty and abortion, and organising pro-democracy demonstrations to demand his fellow countrymen's human rights through non-violent civil disobedience.

"This man does not deserve to die in a dungeon. This man and his family have lost everything except God for the noble cause of human rights. He deserves a just treatment. He is not a danger to society and deserves to be free with his family and his people. I KNOW THAT MY HUSBAND'S LIFE IS IN DANGER AND WELCOME THE INTERCESSION OF ALL MEN AND WOMEN OF GOOD WILL IN THE WORLD, INCLUDING CUBAN AUTHORITIES."

Dr. Biscet, Afro-Cuban and 41 years old, has been arbitrarily detained 26 times in the past and has endured systematic psychological and physical abuses from Cuban authorities since 1998.

For his peaceful, pro-democracy struggle Dr. Biscet served a three-year sentence in a maximum security prison in Holguin province, 768 kilometres from his home. He was released October 31, 2001 only to be arrested on December 6 of the same year when he was about to hold a meeting with fellow activists on ways to promote human rights.

On April 7, 2003 Dr. Biscet was tried and sentenced to 25 years for serving as a "mercenary" to a foreign state and transferred to the Provincial Prison in Pinar del Rio, "Kilo Cinco y Medio", on April 22, 2003.

Men and women of good will in Bermuda can contact Elsa Morejon Hernandez to support her cause by writing/phoning:

Elsa Morejon Hernandez

Address: Acosta 464 entre 8va y 9na

Lawton, Municipio 10 de Octobre

La Habana, Cuba

Telephone: 537-991-774

Write or call the prison where Dr. Biscet is kept in solitary confinement, his only crime to honour the Declaration of Human Rights in his own country. Worldwide solidarity is urgently needed!

Prison Provincial de Pinar del Rio Kilo 51/2

Kilo Cinco y Medio de la Carretera Central

Pinar de Rio, Cuba

Telephone numbers:

53 82 4520

53 82 4521

53 82 4522

53 82 4523

Ministry of the Interior in Pina del Rio:

53 82 4531

53 82 4532

State Security in Pinar de Rio

55 82 3697

Learn more about the struggle to free Dr. Biscet by visiting the web site maintained by us, the coalition of his friends and supporters, at www.free-biscet. org and join the new Yahoo Group! for Dr. Biscet at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/freebiscet.

Thank you, Bermuda people.


Miami, Florida

Why so much kissing-up on subject of Cuba?

June 14, 2003

I THANK the Premier of Bermuda for bringing the focus of the Government (that includes the Opposition) back to the business of Bermuda by calling an election. For a while at least, we can allow the United States of America to deal with their enemies-of-choice without feeling "thy enemy is my enemy".

I was beginning to think we were following British leader Tony Blair's lead in making our country another "state of the union".

To my knowledge, Bermuda does not engage in hostilities with Cuba. Bermudians have not placed a trade embargo on Cuba.

Bermuda does not maintain a military base in Cuba. Bermudians have not been banned from travel to Cuba. Bermudians have not been banned from conducting business son Cuban soil.

Why then, is there so much kissing-up by some Bermuda politicians on the subject of Cuba, to an employee of the Government of the United States of America, who occupies an office and a portion of the SIDEWALK on Middle Road in Devonshire, Bermuda?

Now, perhaps those idle politicians can focus on the promises to Bermuda voters that secured their jobs in the House of Parliament. They can pay attention to the needs of Bermudians, honestly represent their constituents and politely tell guests and friends of Bermuda to "Mind Their Own Business" whilst we "Mind Our Own Business"! Friends will not be offended!

N.B. The Cuban President, Fidel Castro, isn't the only president who is imprisoning people in Cuba without the benefit of legal representation! Human Rights groups, Amnesty International - anybody! Where are thou? Why the double standards?

