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In the summer months Young Observer is profiling top students from throughout the Island in recognition of their exemplary performance during the school

Last week we introduced you to Dellwood Middle School's top student Josue Paulos.Teachers from Dellwood had a hard time choosing between Josue and Marlinda Burgess so they made the decision to make them both top students.

Last week we introduced you to Dellwood Middle School's top student Josue Paulos.

Teachers from Dellwood had a hard time choosing between Josue and Marlinda Burgess so they made the decision to make them both top students.

This week The Royal Gazette spoke to Marlinda about her achievements.

The 13 year old has a strong admiration of school because of the facts that she gets to learn. It is always new and different things, Marlinda said.

She added that she hoped her love for school will translate into a career as a gynaecologist or a paediatrician which will allow her to help children.

At the moment Marlinda's favourite class is Design and Technology because she said: "I get to design things like toys.'' But when it comes to studying, Marlinda stressed that there was no playing around.

"One week I do something easy, and then the next week I will do the subjects that are the most difficult,'' she said, adding that she did not take work for granted.

Marlinda said she also believed that there were still many values to studying.

"Don't think that because you know something, you don't have to study,'' she warned.

Recalling her earlier days at Dellwood, Marlinda admitted that she was a little nervous because there were so many people and she did not know anyone.

"At first I was shy, but now I know everyone,'' she said.

That challenge of adapting to something new will arise again as she is leaving for CedarBridge Academy this fall.

Marlinda said she is "happy to go'' primarily because of the fact that she will be able to expand on other subjects such as Spanish and science.

For inspiration Marlinda said she turns to her entire family.

"It helps to talk with family about things at school,'' she said.

If there were any words which have kept her going and have kept her focussed they have been the words told to her by her father -- they were: "Don't let anyone put you down. Keep the end in view.''