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*** "Government's approach is to take it over, build up a big bureaucracy and fund it by the taxpayer to discourage those people who would like to help and whose organisations have helped over the years.'' -- Mr. Walter Roberts (PLP) on the fight against drugs.

*** "We're actually now setting up a another bureaucracy which will be in charge of a lot of other smaller bureaucracies, which in turn will set up a Ministry of Drugs.'' -- Mr. Walter Roberts on the National Drugs Commission Bill.

*** "The evidence is fairly obvious when an employee is abusing drugs or alcohol.

You need only look at their absenteeism rate, the number of times pay advances have been sought and they have borrowed money from colleages.'' -- Health and Social Services Minister the Hon. Mr. Quinton Edness.

*** "The Commission should not have the Premier and the Minister interfering and looking over its shoulder. It should be trusted and given the responsibility to do the work.'' -- Opposition Leader Mr. Frederick Wade.