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The finned denizens at the Dolphin Quest facility will have front row seats when the first race in the Pepperidge Farm Winter open water swim series takes

The series of races is being organised by the Bermuda Triathlon Association and will start with the quarter of a mile event tomorrow at 1 p.m..

This will be followed with a half mile course on February 16 at Horseshoe Beach, a three quarter mile race at Evans Bay Wharf on March 16 and a one mile event at Harrington Sound's public dock on April 20.

Race director Patrick Hackenberg noted that a number of triathletes swam all year round. "The water is a little cold, but people are looking forward to being a little crazy in the winter. it should be quite a spectacle,'' he said.

Prizes will be awarded to those who complete at least two races with points being awarded based upon the number of participants and finishing time in different age groups including under-16, 16-29, 30-39, 40-49 and over-50.