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Men deny assaulting policeman

on Court Street last Sunday, appeared in Magistrates' Court yesterday.Kimani E. Fubler of Shelton Road and Ian Simmons of Factory Lane pleaded not guilty to unlawfully doing grievous bodily harm to Det. Con. John Fryer.

on Court Street last Sunday, appeared in Magistrates' Court yesterday.

Kimani E. Fubler of Shelton Road and Ian Simmons of Factory Lane pleaded not guilty to unlawfully doing grievous bodily harm to Det. Con. John Fryer.

They also pleaded not guilty to assaulting Det. Con Fryer while he was active on duty.

Fubler was also charged with throwing a missile and carrying an offensive weapon -- a beer bottle.

Det. Con. Fryer suffered a broken nose and cuts to his body when he was knocked to the ground and kicked repeatedly. Another officer suffered minor cuts to his hand.

Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis bailed each of the accused in the sum of $800 with like sureties. Conditions were also set requiring them to report to the Hamilton Police Station every Friday along with a midnight curfew.