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Daniel gets head start on career

getting first-hand experience in the business world.The programme is available to all of the school's students and provides them with the opportunity to acquire skills, set realistic career goals and discover the expectations of adult living.

getting first-hand experience in the business world.

The programme is available to all of the school's students and provides them with the opportunity to acquire skills, set realistic career goals and discover the expectations of adult living.

CedarBridge has been working closely with the students to ensure they are placed in businesses which best match their individual career interests, according AS&K director of marketing Roberta Montafia. One former student who decided to join the programme was 17-year-old Daniel Burgess.

Daniel, who expressed interest in becoming an attorney, was offered placement at the law firm Appleby, Spurling & Kempe last October. He visited the company twice a week where he volunteered in the Central Records Department. Ms Montafia described Daniel as "one of the most successful'' day-release students the firm had ever had.

"Daniel is a very directed student,'' she added. "He knows what he wants in life. He is determined to make a future for himself and he knows he needs an education to do it.'' Carrying with him valuable experiences from both CedarBridge and AS&K, Daniel is currently continuing his education at the Florida Air Academy. AS&K senior partner John Campbell told The Royal Gazette that Daniel and the CedarBridge day release programme "more than matched our best expectations''.

"From AS&K's perspective, Daniel was an asset,'' he explained. "Even though he was not paid for his work, he demonstrated an understanding of work ethics and responsibility.

"I only hope that if he does ultimately decide to pursue a career in law, he considers AS&K among his options.'' Daniel Burgess