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Minister hits back at editorial

The remarks of Sports Editor Adrian Robson in an editorial in The Royal Gazette on Friday, November 26, 1999, on the progress of the National Sports Centre merit some response,

of Assembly yesterday.

The remarks of Sports Editor Adrian Robson in an editorial in The Royal Gazette on Friday, November 26, 1999, on the progress of the National Sports Centre merit some response, as the delays he notes in his column do reflect the lack of commitment of the previous administration, but both incorrectly and inappropriately challenge the existing Government on its commitment to the completion of the facilities.

In the first year of the current administration, we have reviewed the full scope of the National Sports Centre project and rephased the development consistent with our philosophy. This rephasing includes the short-term completion of the northern sports fields, including the cricket pavilion, followed by the construction of a covered grandstand for the soccer and track facilities on the southern fields, as noted in the 1999 Throne Speech.

The National Sports Centre Trustees have adjusted their schedule to reflect the direction of the PLP Government, and have produced the required documentation, including the plans to commence construction of the pavilion.

The Government has allocated the required funding for the project, which was scheduled to commence shortly. However, the bidding process produced estimates that far exceeded our original cost estimates. This was largely associated with the current construction boom that has fully extended the labour force.

Far from being unduly delayed, or for that matter placed on the backburner, the Trustees and Government are exploring alternatives to this dilemma and it is not anticipated that there will be any protracted delay in this project as implied by Mr. Robson in his article. But this Government will not allow the boom in the construction industry to impose upon the people of Bermuda unreasonable costs to complete the remaining phases of this project. We expect and will demand fair assessments by the construction industry on all government contracts, just as we intend as the Government to have transparency and accountability in all our deliberations with the people of Bermuda.

Finally the Progressive Labour Party cannot and will not be held accountable for the lack of commitment of the previous administration. However, this Government believes Bermuda should have a national facility and has undertaken to ensure that this complex is finally realised.

Sports Editor's note: The Friday Forum column in question simply documented the numerous delays encountered in the building of a National Sports Centre since plans were first drawn up more than three decades ago. While the PLP Government, and Sports Minister Dennis Lister in particular, should be applauded for their determination to see the project finally completed, the general public have seen little progress in terms of actual construction during the last year. At Government's own admission, rephasing of the project and an increase in the original cost estimates have unavoidably caused even further delays.