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Keeping up with the education revolution

relentless pace of technological and economic change that today's high school students can expect to change careers five times in their lifetime. And possibly 70 percent of those future careers don't even exist yet.

For CedarBridge Academy principal Ernest Payette, such projections illustrate the size of the daunting task facing educators today as they themselves struggle to keep up with the Information Age.

"It's an extremely challenging time for education,'' Mr. Payette tells this month's RG Magazine , available free with tomorrow's edition of The Royal Gazette .

"We are literally going through that transition phase where we are moving from one world to another.

"The pace for change is enormous. The Industrial Revolution took place in centuries; the Information Revolution is taking place over decades; and the next revolution is going to take place not in decades, but in years.'' How teachers and students cope with these profound technological changes is the focus of Fingers On The Future, RG 's special Education and Technology issue. Senior writer Elizabeth Harvey examines how traditional teaching and learning methods are already changing and what job skills will be required in the new millennium, while Jennifer Mitchell offers some online advice to help educators get up to speed.

At the other end of the education spectrum, RG also takes a look at what parents should expect from today's preschools. How much of a head start does your child need to prepare him or her for an increasingly competitive world? The August issue also features a special celebration of the Bermuda Civic Ballet's 25th anniversary by Patricia Calnan, while Angela Clarence travels to Central America to meet the Bermudians and former island residents who have made Costa Rica their second home.

It's all in this month's RG Magazine -- free only with tomorrow's Royal Gazette . Don't forget to pick up your copy.