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Classic earns rave review

least one overseas publication, with columnist David Walsh of the Irish Sunday Independent praising the event as a model for others to follow.

Under the headline "No badges, no monkey suits, just rugby as it should be'', Walsh paid tribute to John Kane's organising of an event that was not only riveting with its on-field play, but promoted the social aspect with equal fervour.

"In Bermuda the rugby was good and the rugby occasion was better,'' wrote Walsh. "Our administrators could learn a lot from a visit to the World Classic.

"They would, for example, notice that about a third of the crowd is female.

They would also notice that the thrust of the organisation is to ensure that once inside the ground, everyone had a good time.'' He also aimed chastisement at the play of today's international crop, who often appear to be of the kick first, run second mentality.

During the Classic the champion New Zealand All Blacks refused to kick conversions or penalties and rely solely on their running game.

"...it is rugby as we know it. But that isn't strictly true: the rugby played in Bermuda this week is rugby as we would like to see,'' Walsh continued. "All of the teams try to run the ball and only when they believe there is no other option, do they kick it.'' Also in the article, big All Black player/manager Andy Haden was similarly quoted as heaping high praise on the tournament's offerings, saying: "When the blazers realise what a great competition this is, they will try to take it away from Bermuda.''