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Immigration policy draft nearly complete

The final shape of Government's tougher approach to work permits is set to come a step closer next month.

Home Affairs and Public Safety Minister Paula Cox said: "Although I have not etched in stone a deadline for the completion of the consultative phase, I would expect, within the next month, to have assimilated the feedback and modified changes to the draft policies which ultimately will be placed on the Department of Immigration's website.'' Ms Cox told the House of Assembly that she had sent out 50 copies of the draft regulations -- which include six-year time limits on most work permits -- to around 50 "representative bodies and interest groups'' as well as to others who requested copies.

She said: "When I embarked on the lengthy and comprehensive review of the work permit policies, I quickly appreciated the need for wide and meaningful consultation to ensure that the policies were crafted in a way which took account of the views of as many interest groups as possible.

"That approach is consistent with the Government's commitment to open Government and is designed to ensure that, as far as possible, the policies satisfy the broad interests of the community as a whole.'' Ms Cox said she had invited comments and suggestions from those consulted and invited them to meetings to discuss their views.

And she insisted -- despite protests over the new rules from offshore businesspeople and a call from the boss of a firm set to quit the Island for California for a re-think -- that most of the responses had been "positive.''