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East End horses to get some relief

their animals will be answered within the next few weeks.The Corporation of St. George's recently said it was hoping to have the new cooling-off area for the horses put in place by the end of next month.

their animals will be answered within the next few weeks.

The Corporation of St. George's recently said it was hoping to have the new cooling-off area for the horses put in place by the end of next month.

Corporation secretary Nancy Hooper said there was an area under some trees behind the Town Hall, which could have been used by the horses.

However, she said the operators were not willing to use it because it was hidden from visitors.

As a result, a new sun shelter is to be provided on Ordnance Island, just to the right of the cruise ship docking area.

Ms Hooper said: "The Corporation has had meetings over this issue and they are very much aware of what our plans are.

"There is a place they could go, but because it is not quite visible to the tourists, they said they would rather be out where they could be seen. That is understandable -- it would be better for their business.

"We have been in contact with the drivers to try and come up with something that would work for them.

"The plans are afoot right now. We are just trying to come up with something that will keep the horses out of the sun that we can afford.

"But it should be up within a month.'' Inspector Charles Whited, of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, has also been in discussion with the drivers about the welfare of the horses.

He said he was glad to hear a new sun shelter would be provided.

"We have been concerned for some time that when the horses finished their tours, they were having to stand in the hot sunshine.

"We want somewhere where the horses can go to rest and drink that is out of the direct sunlight.'' Horse and carriage driver Winslow (Bronkie) Minors said he agreed that the horses needed somewhere to keep out of the sun.

He added: "I feel sure the Corporation is doing something to help us.

"I think everyone agrees that something needs to be done. We make sure the horses have lots to drink, but they need to get out of the sun, as well.''