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School to have military flavour

curriculum -- but will have the added feature of therapeutic intervention and a hint of military training.

This was revealed during a Thursday night meeting between the National Parents Teachers Association and Ministry of Education officials.

Chief Education officer Dr. Joseph Christopher and Senior Education Officer for Student Services Joanne Smith said students will pursue academic studies at the Alternative School.

"Students will follow, for the most part, the current curriculum in the Middle and Senior Schools,'' Ms Smith said. "English, math and all the normal classes will be covered. They will also be taught life skills, skills they will need to survive in the community like how to cash a cheque.'' Ms Smith said the programme will also feature "therapeutic intervention'' for students and their families.

In addition to counselling, students will learn anger and stress management, conflict resolution and peer mediation.

As a result of the Ministry's partnership with the Bermuda Regiment, students will be exposed to some military training.

This will encompass map reading, first aid, radio communications and drill.

"There are 25 officers at the Regiment everyday,'' she said. "And they are all interested in taking part, mentoring and being role models for the children. They will be surrounded by role models all day. The officers are excited about interacting with the students.'' Ms Smith said the programme was going to be treated as a "last resort'' for children with behavioural problems.

"Before admitting a child we will ask to have all available options been exercised,'' she explained. "It is not for naughty children. It is for children who have a behavioural problem.''