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Man took a chance driving

months when he appeared in Magistrates' Court on a charge of driving while disqualified.David Alanzo Acka told the court he took a chance driving because he needed to get the car fixed.

months when he appeared in Magistrates' Court on a charge of driving while disqualified.

David Alanzo Acka told the court he took a chance driving because he needed to get the car fixed.

He said that earlier that day (July 3) his wife was involved in an accident that damaged the car's front.

"I drove the car to the service station because it was so close to where we were.

When the Police arrested me I was at the service station getting it fixed.

"I am not out to disobey the law. I just got married a year ago. I've settled down. It was a risky chance I took I'm sorry.'' But Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis asked why he did not walk the short distance to the service station and get a mechanic.

"Any qualified mechanic could have come and got it. All you had to do was give him the keys.

"My initial decision was to take you off the road for a year. I gather you will be on the road again at the end of the year, but you will be off for a little longer.