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Scott still likely to sue Gordon

slander suit brought by an Opposition Shadow Minister.

Progressive Labour Party Labour and Home Affairs Minister Alex Scott threatened to sue Ms Gordon after she accused him in a TV interview of "a blatant lie'' following his claim that three Ministers were behind the resignation of former Police Commissioner Colin Coxall.

Mr. Scott added that a Minister also met Mr. Coxall to demand the return of a personal document. He did not reveal his source or identify any of the Ministers said to be involved.

But he said Ms Gordon's statements -- which were not made inside the House of Assembly, where all comment is protected -- had branded him a liar and promised legal action unless he got an apology.

Mr. Scott's lawyer, Michael Scott, told The Royal Gazette : "He is continuing to take advice.

"He always said he would sue if he didn't get an apology and he hasn't given me any instructions to the contrary.

"I expect I will have fresh instructions from Mr. Scott and I fully expect him to take legal action, provided we get formal instructions from him.'' The news came after Ms Gordon said on the December 17 deadline set by Mr.

Scott that she would not be apologising.

Ms Gordon added that her lawyers were reviewing the tapes of the interview which caused the row to break out.

She insisted she had no intention of defaming Mr. Scott -- but held to her opinion that Mr. Scott's claims were not true.

And she challenged Mr. Scott to substantiate his claim or apologise to the Cabinet.

Ms Gordon added she had spoken to all her Ministers and were satisfied the claims were false.

She said all her Ministers had had their reputations put at risk due to Mr.

Scott's statements as he did not identify individuals.

She added she would have expected such a serious claim to be substantiated by names and facts.

And Ms Gordon said Mr. Scott should back up his claim or issue an apology himself.

Michael Scott said: "We haven't had any word from Ms Gordon's legal advisers.

"The first we heard on what her position would be was the statement she made to the Press. I continue to be advised by Mr. Scott in connection with this matter.'' Mr. Scott has declined to comment since the Premier's refusal to apologise last week.

Alex Scott Graphic file name: SCOTTI