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Annual block party brings `Neighbourhood together'

neighbourhood on Saturday for their annual block party.The party which encompasses the whole of Friswells Hill encourages the residents to come together and socialise.

neighbourhood on Saturday for their annual block party.

The party which encompasses the whole of Friswells Hill encourages the residents to come together and socialise.

Residents and friends were treated to live entertainment including various singing groups, dancers, bands which had donated their services. Plenty of food was also available.

Children were given their own area filled with games and rides.

Friswells Hill resident Shadow Health and Social Service Minister Mr. Nelson Bascome was the commentator for the entertainment.

"This is our eighth annual community day which promotes community togetherness,'' said Mr. Bascome who represents Pembroke East.

"On this day we pay honour and respect to the community and those who have extended themselves in community service.

"For me, community day means happiness. I enjoy it every year because it brings out the best in the neighbours.'' Mr. Bascome added that the day gave him a strong sense of community pride.

"That's a spirit we've had on Friswells Hill since before my time.'' Friswells Hill resident Mrs. Gloria Johnson said she looked forward to the block party every year.

"It brings the neighbourhood together. It gives us a chance to see children that use to be in prams now running around. I also enjoy the music and the delicious food.'' Another Friswells Hill resident Mr. Aubrey Smith said that every parish should have a block party in order to bring neighbours together.

Resident Mrs. Ambrosine Black said: "It's beautiful. We are able to meet all our old Friswells Hill friends that we haven't seen for years.

Friswells Hill committee member Mr. David E. Smith said that neighbours get together and cook lots of food for the event.

"In order to get a lot of the residents out we get in touch with people who have moved out of the neighbourhood to let them know about the party. That really touches me. It helps you to know who your neighbours are. This doesn't happen anywhere else.'' BLOCK BABY -- Seven-month-old Rareen DeShields spends the afternoon at the Friswells Hill block party where young and old residents came together to have fun.