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MPs meet

And Government Whip Rick Spurling said the debate could continue on until Wednesday.He said: "Hopefully we will be able to finish the debate by a reasonable hour. If not, we will adjourn to Wednesday morning.

session of the House.

And Government Whip Rick Spurling said the debate could continue on until Wednesday.

He said: "Hopefully we will be able to finish the debate by a reasonable hour. If not, we will adjourn to Wednesday morning.

"We are not intending to do any business other than the Throne Speech. The first full business day will be on Friday.'' He said a decision on what bills will be debated first will not be made until later in the week.

Among Government's showpiece bills are tough laws to seize the assets of drug dealers and combat money laundering.

And a new Bill allowing for mandatory workplace trades union certification and decertification will also be presented to the House.

Friday's debate: Page 4