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Law at Kent

than a decade ago, according to the institute's senior lecturer in law, Paddy Ireland.

"The reason why we're being sent (to attend the College/University Fair) is that there are an awful lot of Bermudians who have read law at the University of Kent . There's a strong link between the university, particularly the law school, and Bermuda.'' It was in the early part of the 1980's that Bermudians first appeared on the campus to read law, he said, and there has been a steady flow ever since.

Although there are Bermudians who attend the university's business school, the greater number go there to read law, he added.

"We have a very friendly staff. They are very approachable. The University of Kent is not a stuffy law school and so, by word of mouth, we've had a new Bermudian each year with usually nine or ten at once.'' Local students meet a college representative at an earlier Fair COLLEGE NIVERSITY FAIR MINI SUPPLEMENT SUP