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Fine Arts

private, highly specialised institution. Founded in 1965, the college's student body comes from around the world to enjoy, its friendly atmosphere, small classes, state-of-the-art equipment, and intensive training in business and the arts. "The college staff takes a personal interest in each student's educational, career, and personal development,'' said foreign student advisor, Roberta Zukor. The college offers Associate Arts degrees in computer animation, digital audio/video, electronic publishing/commercial art, fashion design, fashion merchandising, film, interior design, and visual arts as well as a Bachelor's degree of Fine Arts in visual arts. "Emphasis is placed on the students' participation in a wide array of activities designed to provide exposure to, and interaction with top businesses and the people who are industry leaders in the students' chosen fields,'' added Ms Zukor. "All our faculty members are experienced professionals actively involved in the subject matter they teach. Many have achieved regional and national recognition for their outstanding contributions in their fields. Faculty members are active In advising and counselling students, providing career planning and placement assistance, and supporting and attending student functions.'' COLLEGE--UNIVERSITY FAIR MINI SUPPLEMENT SUP