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Burgess penalty miss costs Colts

Colts' skipper Shannon Burgess doesn't miss many penalties these days but he made a blunder in yesterday's Premier Division clash at St. John's Road and it cost his side maximum points.

With just a minute left in a contest of high quality on a slippery pitch, Burgess was unable to fool Dandy Town goalkeeper Jason Smith who dived to his left to save the spot kick much to the dismay of the Colts' players and fans.

However, had Burgess converted it would have denied Town a point they deserved. They bounced back from a mediocre first half dominated by Colts to take a clear edge -- even though top poacher Darron (Duke) Simons was absent.

Colts took a 1-0 lead after 24 minutes when a dazed defence strangely allowed Lloyd Holder the space to collect a long ball which he controlled, advanced briefly and then chipped masterfully over the head of goalkeeper Smith from 12 yards.

But the goal only spurred on the home side as Town hit straight back with Kevin Hurdle putting the finishing touches to a Paul Cann corner by powerfully heading home the equaliser from close range.

Colts clawed back to take a one-goal lead by the half when the Town defence again was caught in disarray.

After they failed to clear a corner, the ball rolled to Vince Ball who greatfully thundered a shot home from just outside the box.

Town attacked relentlessly in the second half, but the vital equaliser had difficulty coming their way with most of the threats ending with either misdirected passing, efforts placed high or wide of goal or with the defence denying shots with last desperate tackles.

But on 83 minutes Town got their reward Kuma Smith managed to get on the end of a Cann cross to hit the ball home from six yards.

Colts then had luck fall their way but Burgess couldn't take advantage from the spot.