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Short story winners

The top writers in the adult category are, in order of finish, Mr. Robert Jones of Southampton, Miss Gillian Hazledine of Devonshire and Ms Diana Lynn of St. George's.


The top writers in the adult category are, in order of finish, Mr. Robert Jones of Southampton, Miss Gillian Hazledine of Devonshire and Ms Diana Lynn of St. George's.

The top writers in the under-18 category are, in order of finish, Kathleen Ardis of St. David's, Andrew Simons of Pembroke and Angelika Rohlmann of Hamilton.

Mr. Jones tells the tale of a man who became rich at the expense of his best friend and how it all turns out for the best during their annual Christmas Eve games of cards and backgammon.

Kathleen Ardis writes a cheerful story on the magic of Christmas-time and how it helps good things triumph over bad.

A special supplement section reprinting the stories of the winners and other top finishers will appear in our Christmas Eve edition.

The winners are to receive cash prizes at a ceremony on December 16 at The Royal Gazette .