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``It's good to see they are leaving the chamber because it is too hot for them. It is the first time I have driven them away.'' -- Shadow Finance

*** "It's not often that I get applauded before I start. I am not ashamed to get support from the other side.'' -- Tourism Minister the Hon. Jim Woolridge milks the PLP applause which was aimed at the Shadow Finance Minister.

*** "I wish they would put a muzzle on him.'' -- Mr. Woolridge on Shadow Tourism Minister Mr. David Allen.

*** "It's like Alice in Wonderland. I thought I was already at the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.'' -- Mr. Allen.

*** "Dr. Saul has changed colour in that way that only a Caucasian can.'' -- Shadow Environment Minister Mr. Julian Hall.

*** "This is a war. This is a battle over the future of our children's children, a battle over the quality of life, a battle over the country being controlled by people who do not belong to it. Some of us are prepared to die for it.'' -- Mr. Hall.

*** "These senators have it easy.'' -- Shadow Tourism Minister Mr. David Allen on spotting Sen. Alex Scott entering the House of Assembly at 6.45 a.m. on Saturday morning.

*** "The stakes are incredibly high...I think there are some people who would even go so far as to kill.'' -- Shadow Environment Minister Mr. Julian Hall, discussing the impending General Election.

*** "As far as black people are concerned, they have got a dishonourable discharge from the race. They're now coloured folk.'' -- Mr. Ottiwell Simmons MP (PLP).