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Taste test a `less hoppy' experience

The Bermuda Brewing Company held a taste test on Saturday to allow drinkers to sample two variations of a lager to decide which one will be released in March.


The Bermuda Brewing Company held a taste test on Saturday to allow drinkers to sample two variations of a lager to decide which one will be released in March.

In a shrewd piece of marketing, the company allowed more than 300 members of the public to come to the brewery in Southampton to down a half pints of each before voting on their favourite.

The winner -- whose name is still being kept under wraps -- was described by the company's owner and manager Marcus Betschart as "less hoppy'' than the alternative.

"It's a very smooth, drinkable lager, and we did this test because we don't want to go for a very speciality beer,'' he said.

"We wanted it to be palatable to a majority of people. The other one was a little bit more hoppy and had a little bit more bite to it.

"People were looking for an easier drinking beer that they can drink more of.

It was definitely a worthwhile exercise and showed us there is an interest.'' He said there was an excellent mix of tasters, including residents, expatriates and visitors, whose ages ranged from 18 to 70.

The company's other beer, Island Ale, is sold in 30 locations. Twenty of these have expressed an interest in taking the lager as well as 15 other new clients, said Mr. Betschart.

New brew: The Bermuda Brewing company's manager Marcus Betschart samples one of two new beers at a Saturday taste test.