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Drug find ruins anniversary

she was charged in court with drug possession, Magistrates' Court heard last week.Jennifer Helerin, 22, arrived with her family on the Song of America last Tuesday with 3.01 grams of cannabis in her possession.

she was charged in court with drug possession, Magistrates' Court heard last week.

Jennifer Helerin, 22, arrived with her family on the Song of America last Tuesday with 3.01 grams of cannabis in her possession. Customs officials found a home-made cigarette in her wallet.

A search of Helerin's cabin turned up four cigarettes and six half-made cigarettes.

Duty counsel Mr. Tim Marshall asked the court to note her guilty plea. He said she cooperated fully with Customs, admitting possession of cannabis and showing them the cannabis in her wallet and in her cabin. She also went through a "humiliating'' strip search, he said.

Her parents, who were in court, did not condone cannabis, said Mr. Marshall, and they had made it clear to their daughter that whatever legal punishment she received, the matter was not over.

Acting Senior Magistrate the Wor. John Judge said: "This is a not insubstantial quantity.'' He imposed a $300 fine.