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Venning sets sail in new Police post

Sgt. Gary Venning has moved to the Marine Section from the Public and Media Relations department -- where he hopes to put his nautical expertise to good use.

marine section.

Sgt. Gary Venning has moved to the Marine Section from the Public and Media Relations department -- where he hopes to put his nautical expertise to good use.

Promoted to Sergeant in October, he is one of the most qualified marine navigators in Bermuda and was involved when the force brought their new vessel, Blue Heron , to the Island.

An active sportsman and former teacher, he lists flying, hand-gliding, running and sailing as his hobbies.

He has taken part in the Newport to Bermuda and Marion to Bermuda yacht races and has also helped with Police sailing races.

A Police spokesman said: "Sgt. Venning has been responsible for the co-operation between Police and media during such difficult times as the Rebecca Middleton tragedy.'' Sgt. Venning said the Marine Section was something that interested him and he was happy to be making the move.

"It is always a challenge to move to a new department. I am very pleased to get the opportunity to come here,'' he said.

Meanwhile, Pc. Alan Oliver is to remain as a temporary replacement for Sgt.

Venning in the Media Relations department until April, when a decision will be made on who is assigned to the post permanently.