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Trail still closed

landslide from a 30-foot limestone cliff.The unstable natural limestone cliff is situated opposite Five Star Island in Southampton and separates Middle Road from the Railway Trail.

landslide from a 30-foot limestone cliff.

The unstable natural limestone cliff is situated opposite Five Star Island in Southampton and separates Middle Road from the Railway Trail.

The Royal Gazette first reported the collapse of a large amount of boulders and sand from the cliff face -- believed to have been caused by heavy rains -- at the beginning of October.

A Government spokeswoman yesterday said Works and Engineering officials were in negotiations to purchase a portion of land on which the wall stands.

Government owns the right of way for the Railway Trail, but not the adjoining land, the spokeswoman explained yesterday.

Nearby residents use the trail as both a recreational path and access route.

But the spokeswoman urged the public to avoid using the area while officials moved to re-open the trail "as soon as possible''.