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Lloyd's of London boss to be speaker at BIS II

by Mr. David Rowland, Lloyd's of London chairman, to be a conference highlight."He is a keynote speaker. Mr. Rowland's address, because of the combination of increased reinsurers in Bermuda and diminished capacity in London, should prove interesting,'' said Mr.

by Mr. David Rowland, Lloyd's of London chairman, to be a conference highlight.

"He is a keynote speaker. Mr. Rowland's address, because of the combination of increased reinsurers in Bermuda and diminished capacity in London, should prove interesting,'' said Mr. Robin Spencer-Arscott.

Mr. Rowland is slated to speak Thursday, June 1, at 12:30 p.m.

His address, entitled "The London Market -- Bermuda's Friend or Foe?'' was originally scheduled for the morning of Friday, June 2.

Mr. Spencer-Arscott said he believes Mr. David Rowland discussion will conclude the answer is friend not foe while any criticism of the Island's insurance business by the Lloyd's chairman will be of a "constructive'' nature.

"We can expect a great deal of interest in BIS II from Lloyd's, whose brokers will no doubt want to take advantage of the opportunity to attend the symposium while visiting the market to conduct mid-year renewal business,'' according to a release from Mr. Spencer-Arscott.

"Initially, when the property catastrophe companies formed in Bermuda, they were thought to be in competition with the London market but we are saying that is not the case. Business quoted in London is followed by the Bermuda market and business quoted in Bermuda is followed by the London Market,'' he added.

After five weeks of brochure distribution, BIS organisers have received responses from over 14 countries, among them Bahrain, Switzerland, Norway, Australia, Sweden and the Netherlands.

So far about 100 insurance representatives have indicated they will be attending the three-day symposium. Attendance at the first symposium, held two years ago, was about 400.

The list of guest speakers includes a who's who from the Island's insurance business as well as an impressive group from abroad.