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Anglers head for Cape Cod

hope of landing the big one.Members of the Blue Waters Anglers Club are heading for Falmouth, Cape Cod for their 36th annual tournament.

hope of landing the big one.

Members of the Blue Waters Anglers Club are heading for Falmouth, Cape Cod for their 36th annual tournament.

Established more than three decades ago by Islander Reid Johansen and Bill Gibson of Boston, USA, the event is held alternatively in Bermuda and the states.

More than 30 anglers, sponsors and supporters will leave Bermuda at the weekend to join up with friends from the Boston area for the contest which takes place between Monday and Wednesday of next week.

Club president Arthur Pemberton said: "We have approximately 16 anglers taking part of all ages from veterans to newcomers.

"It's a light tackle tournament using 12, 20 and 30lb test lines. Prizes are given for each individual class and the biggest fish in the tournament and so forth.'' Leroy Douglas, the club's executive secretary said the Island's anglers had fared very well against their American counterparts in previous competitions.

"I think we have won 20 of the 36 tournaments,'' he said. "I suppose we probably get much more practice at it than they do being so close to the water.'' In recent years trophies have made way for cash prizes, but Pemberton said that wasn't the main attraction of the event.

"It's more for the comradeship and friendship and the goodwill. Over the years many people have visited Bermuda from Boston because of the club,'' he said.

Douglas said the competition had been held at Cape Cod on a number of occasions.

"It's a beautiful place. Most of us enjoy the setting,'' he said.

Anglers will be setting their sights on blue fish and striped bass, with anything above 7lbs weighable.

Pemberton said this year would be extra special for some members.

"This year we are very fortunate that we have a few old timers who will be going back to fish -- those that fished 30-odd years ago.

"We also have a few newcomers and we hope everytime to incorporate younger fellas with the older fellas,'' he said.

Team: Arthur Pemberton, Leroy Douglas, Lovintz Cann, Victor Cann, Albert Jenkins, Edward Stovell, Eugene Raynor, George M Simons, George PH Simons, Horace Landy, Kirk Dill, Kenneth Daniels, Marischal Astwood, Samuel Johansen, William Francis, Leslie James.