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`Dishonest' teenager fined $1,000

he pleaded guilty to riding an auxiliary cycle without due care or insurance, fraudulently using a licence plate, and stealing the bike.

Police prosecutor, Sgt. Peter Giles, said the auxiliary cycle, worth $900, was stolen from a house on North Shore Road.

Perry Puckerin, of St. Monica's Road in Pembroke, was seen by Police driving the auxiliary cycle on Montpelier Road in Devonshire. He turned onto Middle Road without stopping.

With the police following, Puckerin overtook several cars, forcing vehicles coming from the opposite direction to brake and swerve to avoid collision.

Puckerin finally turned onto Tribe Road No. 3 and drove around the side of a private house, where he abandoned the bike.

Shortly afterward, another policeman saw Puckerin on Hibiscus Lane in Pembroke, and pulled him over.

The bike was impounded, and found to be a stolen vehicle with a false plate.

Sgt. Giles said Puckerin told Police he had found the bike, taken it home, and borrowed the licence plate 297 N from a friend to put on the bike. Then he rode it as his own.

Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis fined Puckerin $300 for driving dangerously, $300 for not having insurance, $100 for the fraudulent licence plate, and $400 for the theft.

Mr. Francis said the total of $1,100 took Puckerin's youth and plea of guilty into account, but the offences were "very serious''.

"These efforts to cover your tracks (the false license) really show your fraudulent and dishonest intentions,'' he said.