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Women's qualifiers postponed amid security concerns

Bermuda women's national team's World Cup qualifiers have been temporarily shelved amid safety and security fears with host nation Pakistan plunged into a state of political turmoil.

The International Cricket Council (ICC) yesterday announced the postponement of the upcoming event, scheduled to be staged in Lahore this month, following independent security reports and extensive discussions.

Bermuda's squad was due to depart this weekend following months of intensive preparations but must now wait for the ICC's decision on where, and when, the tournament will be rearranged.

Reginald Pearman, president of the Bermuda Cricket Board said in a statement: "We understand and respect the reasons for the ICC's decision to postpone the Women's World Cup qualifiers due to take place in Pakistan. We look forward to hearing the decision on when and where the tournament will now take place."

Last weekend Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf declared emergency rule and suspended the country's constitution, although the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) still maintains the qualifiers could have proceeded despite the turbulent backdrop.

PCB chairman, Dr. Nasim Ashraf, said: "We have advised the ICC we feel the event could have been staged as scheduled in two weeks time in a safe and secure environment."

"We remain more than capable of, and committed to, hosting international cricket and we look forward to welcoming teams to Pakistan in the future."

But ICC chief executive officer Malcolm Speed said the heightened state of tension within Pakistan over the past few days deemed it inappropriate for the tournament to be held.

"It is extremely regrettable this decision has had to be taken. We remain committed to international cricket being played in Pakistan but, sadly, events beyond the control of the ICC and the PCB have conspired against us on this occasion."

Bermuda national coach Allan Douglas said the squad was relieved now a definite decision had been reached. He admitted many of the players had been nervous about making the trip to Pakistan.

"The squad will meet tomorrow and hopefully we will hear some developments regarding the qualifiers soon. For now it's business as usual and we will continue with our training."

The qualifiers had involved eight teams, Bermuda, Ireland, the Netherlands, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Scotland, South Africa, and Zimbabwe, with the top two sides advancing to the ICC Women's World Cup in Australia in 2009.

Bermuda had been scheduled to play South Africa, Netherlands and Papua New Guinea in Lahore between November 19 and 22.