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Coach Tucker wins backing of players

Coach Keith Tucker has received a ringing endorsement from some of his former Howard University players who have no doubt he is the right man to lead Bermuda forward.

International keepers' Jason Williams and Nigel Burgess are well versed in Tucker's methods and man-management skills, having served under his stewardship at the Washington-based university. And they believe his coaching style is suited to extracting the best from Bermuda's players.

"Having had a past football relationship with coach Tucker of course I was delighted with his appointment," said North Village keeper Williams.

"I'm not the only one and I'm sure the likes of Nigel (Burgess) and Omar (Shakir) would say exactly the same. We're familiar with the way he works and how he likes to get things done."

According to Williams, Tucker is not the kind of coach to blast players with the 'hairdryer treatment', nor bark orders Sergeant Major-style. The former Somerset Trojans man is more likely to get his point across through gentle persuasion, with an arm around the shoulder, and with thoughtful explanation.

"He's not the sort of coach who dictates and he likes to interact with his players," explained Williams. "If he wants to get his point across he won't just tell you, he'll work with you.

"Now he's working with a better standard of player than he had at Howard (University) he will really come into his own and achieve great things with Bermuda."

Williams confirmed numbers at training had not been consistently high since the revival of the national team programme, but insisted a hardcore sect of senior players had been attending throughout.

"It is true last Saturday's turnout wasn't great but on the whole the response has been good. At the moment I suppose we're all on trial while the squad is decided and the sooner that's done the better. I would say there's been a strong bunch of players who have attended every session, whereas there's been some who have just popped in and out, coming one session and not the next.

"As for the sessions themselves they've been great with the coach introducing at least one new idea each time. I think everyone's been very receptive to his ideas and there's been a really good atmosphere."

Williams once again finds himself scrambling for the keeper's spot with usual suspects - and Bermuda Hogges teammates - Timmy Figureido and Nigel Burgess. He spent most of the Hogges campaign as the next cab in the rank behind Figureido, but is relishing the prospect of resuming their friendly rivalry.

"There's a lot of competition for the number one jersey with Timmy and Nigel. There's always a fight between the three of us and I think the only way you improve is if you have that level of competition.

"Nigel has started wearing his Howard University jersey to training - I think he's trying to gain an advantage on us!" laughed Williams. "So I started wearing his spare one the other day."

Nigel Burgess, who won a Conference Championship at Howard University, echoed Williams' sentiments regarding Tucker and said he was also looking forward to challenging for keeper's position.

"I really enjoyed my time working with coach Tucker at Howard University and the team had some success during that period. I know Omar's era at the University was very successful, and Jason was probably unfortunate as the team during his time was not quite so strong.

"I'm looking forward to challenging for a place in the national team and both myself and Jason will be doing all we can to put pressure on Timmy. He has always held the advantage over us, but we will be pushing him all the way there's no doubt about that."