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<I>THE UBP wants candidates to sign this:<$>I pledge to:1 ) represent the interests of all my constituents, regardless of race, sex, colour, religion or any other discriminating factor, and promote good race relations

THE UBP wants candidates to sign this:

<$>I pledge to:

1 ) represent the interests of all my constituents, regardless of race, sex, colour, religion or any other discriminating factor, and promote good race relations

2) reject all forms of racial violence, racial harassment and unlawful racial discrimination

3) not publish, or seek to have published by others, or in any way endorse any material, including pamphlets, leaflets and posters, likely to generate hostility or division between people of different racial, national or religious groups, or which might reasonably be expected to do so

4) ensure that in any dealings with the public, including door-to-door and telephone canvassing, no words or actions are used which may l encourage, instruct or put pressure on others to discriminate; or l stir up racial or religious hatred or lead to prejudice on grounds of race, nationality or religion

5) make sure everyone involved in my (my party’s) campaign for election pledges to abide by these principles, and call on all those involved in promoting or reporting political debate, especially the media, to do the same.

In endorsing this declaration, I accept responsibility to ensure that every alleged breach is properly investigated by my party, and that appropriate action is taken against any candidate, party member or person acting on behalf of the party or a candidate, who knowingly fails to comply with these principles.

This could include their removal from any formal role on behalf of my election campaign or that of the political party I represent, and a public disavowal by that party.