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UBP plan broadcast on Southlands tonight

The United Bermuda Party will tonight broadcast its response to the Government's granting of a Special Development Order for Southlands.

The ten-minute programme features Shadow Environment Minister Cole Simons; Jeff Sousa, UBP candidate for Warwick South East; and Roderick Simons, UBP candidate for Warwick South Central.

A Party spokesman said: "In the context of the Southlands decision, the three talk about the pressing need to preserve our open spaces and the need for discipline and common sense in our national land use planning something that is missing today."

The broadcast is in response to the Government's July 26 programme in which Environment Minister Neletha Butterfield; Premier Dr. Ewart Brown; Works and Engineering Minister Dennis Lister; and Labour and Immigration Minister Derrick Burgess, claimed the South Shore resort was of national importance in terms of jobs and to the future of tourism.

It will be screened on ZBM and VSB from 8 p.m.