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Residents report UFO sightings

If you think you're seeing strange lights in the sky, you may be accused of drinking too many Dark and Stormies.

But it seems the Island is living up to its name as a centre for the paranormal after dozens of people claim to have seen a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) this week.

One witness told The Royal Gazette she and her husband were driving east along the North Shore on Wednesday when they spotted a green light in the sky. The 37-year-old woman, from Hamilton Parish, did not wish to be named for fear of ridicule, but told The Royal Gazette: "I am not crazy."

She said she spotted the object at 8.30 p.m. and claimed friends and relatives had also seen it — some of whom were watching a football game at the National Sports Centre.

"We just saw a sparkly green light," she said. "It was pretty big and low, like it was overland. It just hovered for a minute and then shot off sideways from right to left. I just thought 'What the hell was that!"

"It really scared me — it was like a bomb. Even my husband was scared.

"It could be something innocent, maybe connected with the military, or something very weird."

Asked whether she believed in aliens, the woman said: "I wouldn't go that far, but I just don't know."

Her 43-year-old husband said: "We just saw a green light streaking across the sky. It was really close and stopped us in our tracks. I was a little worried. I do believe in UFOs and that there may be other life out there."

Another caller to The Royal Gazette said: "This might sound crazy, but my co-worker saw a UFO last week. She said that it was oval-shaped and was just hovering in the air. Of course we all laughed and teased her unmercifully, but she swore she saw it.

"It didn't seem quite so funny when one of the dock guys, who lives in the same area, claimed he saw a strange object in the sky that night too. There are some strange things going on right now."

Another woman, who also wanted to remain anonymous, joked: "Believe me, this small Island would be annihilated east to west. You guys didn't see 'Independence Day', 'War of the Worlds', 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers', 'Predator?' Oh no — and the 'Alien' films."

The Bermuda Triangle has long been associated with UFOs, with many infamous disappearances of aircraft and vessels being blamed on the phenomenon. As the second most remote island in the world, Bermuda also offers less light pollution, making it easier for the naked eye to spot unusual objects in the night sky.

A Bermuda Maritime Operations Centre spokesman said it had received a report of a strange flying object on Wednesday, but that it was not thought to be sinister.

He said: "We received a report of a white flare over the Berkeley Institute area, and we checked it out with the Airport and Police. At this time of year, when it's clear you can see a lot of shooting stars and so people do confuse the flares from aircraft and shooting stars.

"But we would urge any concerned members of the public who see anything suspicious to get in touch with us so we can check it out and investigate. As our Island is so small, the more people who are aware and safety-conscious, the better."

A Bermuda Police Service spokesman said the light was thought to have originated from a flare gun. He said: "There was a report of a flare, but there were no reports of anyone in distress on a boat or vehicle at that time. We are not sure, but that's what we believe it to be — perhaps someone playing with a flare gun."

Meanwhile in Stephenville, Texas, residents have reported seeing a large, low-flying metallic object with bright lights flying over their town during the past week.

According to an Associated Press and Ipsos survey last year, 14 percent of Americans claim to have seen a UFO. There are up to 200 UFO sightings each month according to the Mutual UFO Network.

The truth is out there.