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Mystery surrounds UBP petition

Under-fire Opposition leader Wayne Furbert could be facing a bid to replace him with claims a number of MPs have signed a petition urging him to go.

It’s thought seven parliamentarians have put their name to the document but it is unclear if it has been presented to Mr. Furbert who has been leader for just over a year.

The United Bermuda Party has been rocked by high-level resignations with MP Jamahl Simmons alleging a racist clique in his seat had been out to get him while party chairman Gywneth Rawlins quit after claiming a white elite was still running the party.

Then senior MP Maxwell Burgess publicly called for Mr. Furbert to step down after blasting him for mishandling internal splits.

Last night a number of UBP MPs were staying tight-lipped about the latest ructions.

Asked if he was aware of the petition Deputy Leader Michael Dunkley said: “I cannot say, anything like that is an internal party matter.”

Asked how Mr. Furbert was reacting to the news Mr. Dunkley said: “I have no idea, ask him how his life is going.”

Party Chairman Shawn Crockwell said: “I haven’t been presented with a petition. I have heard the rumours but nothing official.

“The process would be if there as a vote of no confidence it would be presented to the chairman and a special meeting convened. Nothing has been substantiated, it’s just conjecture at this point.”

Asked if he was investigating the claims he said: “I have had no time. This just came up today. I have spoken to a few individuals and no-one seems to know who’s providing this information.”

MP Cole Simons said he knew nothing of the claims and Mr. Furbert still had his support and, he believes, the support of the majority of MPs.

But party sources said there have been rumblings about changing the leader ever since the resignations. One former MP, who had been a Wayne Furbert supporter, told The Royal Gazette>Mr. Furbert had failed to take command in the recent crisis: “I think people are getting very frustrated, the leader has to lead, even in adversity.

“What they are saying is ‘lead, follow or get out of the way’ but you are not doing any of them.”

Asked if the party could dump a leader so close to the election the MP said: “Desperate people do desperate things.”

[obox] Former MP Erwin Adderley and Party Chairman Shawn Crockwell have emerged as the two candidates vying to stand in the UBP seat being vacated by Jamahl Simmons at the coming election. Last time the UBP held Pembroke West by a comfortable 241 votes. A decision is expected in the next few days.

Mystery surrounds UBP petition