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Open a technology park at Southside: UBP

The United Bermuda Party plan to develop a fully functioning technology park and IT economic zone at Southside.

They also plan to provide a "hotspot" which will provide free public internet in public parks and playgrounds.

In their manifesto the UBP stated: "In 1995, the United Bermuda Party introduced competition in the telecommunications arena, which as expected, has led to substantial reductions in the cost of telecommunications in Bermuda.

"This successful decision has taken us from an environment of 2 telecom providers (C&W and BTC) to more than ten today.

"The net effect has been an overall reduction in cost associated with telecom."

They also pledged to:

• Re-invigorate the BTEC initiative to ensure all Bermudian children are computer literate.

• Maintain competition among telecommunication providers through continual review of the legislative framework.

• Continue to support e-government initiatives to cut operational cost and save time for Bermudians.

• Preserve significant Bermudian participation and ownership in the telecom industry.