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Public invited to school renaming

The public is being invited to attend the renaming ceremony of Spice Valley Middle School, especially those that attended Warwick Secondary School during the tenure of the late former principal Thomas Neville Tatem, MBE.

The Ministry of Education, Sports and Recreation made the announcement yesterday. The school will be named TN Tatem Middle School, in honour of Mr. Tatem, a legendary Bermudian educator.

He was deputy principal and a mathematics teacher at the Berkeley Institute. His strong leadership skills and work ethic led to him being the founding principal at Warwick Secondary School on the late 1960s.

In addition, many remember Mr. Tatem as a firm disciplinarian and although a giant in stature, he was regarded as a gentle man who possessed a quiet sense of humour.

The ceremony will be held at the school tomorrow at 1.45 p.m.