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Jubilant Madeiros sworn in as new Mayor of Hamilton

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Photo by Glenn Tucker Defeated Mayoral candidate Sonia Grant counts off her votes during the count.

Sutherland Madeiros was sworn in as new Mayor of Hamilton last night after beating off competition from Sonia Grant.

Mr. Madeiros — an alderman before the vote — beat former Deputy Mayor Miss Grant by 161 votes to 124.

A long-term friend of Jay Bluck, who died last month after just four months as Mayor, he said he wanted to accomplish their shared vision for the city.

"I think Jay Bluck was looking down on us tonight, and I think he's very happy," he told The Royal Gazette.

He admitted his initial feeling on hearing the poll result was one of relief.

"It's been a very stressful day, watching your supporters come in to City Hall and not having any idea of how one stands.

:It really has not sunk in," he said.

Mr. Madeiros, 61, only rejoined the Corporation of Hamilton in April after a six-year break.

He therefore pledged to introduce himself to each of its 160 workers as soon as possible.

"I'm going to have to work pretty hard in getting the support of the members of the Corporation.

"I'm going to visit every employee and go the yard, to sanitation and the docks.

"I want them to know we are here to help them. I have a steep learning curve, having not been on the Corporation for six years and then becoming Mayor four months after rejoining." He listed a key campaign issue as getting more Police officers on patrol in Hamilton.

And last night he revealed that a Corporation delegation recently met the Minister of Labour, Home Affairs and Public Safety, Derrick Burgess. "It was a positive meeting.

"I am looking for good things to come out of it and a positive working relationship," he said.

He also reiterated plans to introduce mandatory drug tests for all Corporation workers — and said that he would be the first person to take one.

Mr. Madeiros, a semi-retired businessman, lives in Smith's. He is married to Susan and has two grown-up daughters.

Miss Grant, a lawyer by profession, has 13 years of experience on the corporation. She lost the previous election in April by just 21 votes. As she faced up to her second defeat in a row, Mr. Madeiros praised her as a "formidable opponent".

She said: "I'm disappointed, but at least I polled 30 more votes than on April 27."

Asked if she still had ambitions to become Mayor one day, she said: "There is no future role for me on the Corporation.

"It's at an end. I'm now going to get on with my law practice and my life and my family, and do something for myself for a change."

A total of 285 people turned out to cast their votes — 66 percent of those on the register of electors, and a six percent increase in turnout compared to the last election.

The register was boosted by around 40 entries after a recent publicity drive, but it is feared that there are still hundreds of business and residential taxpayers who are not registered.

With an annual city budget of $20 million, last night's result worked out at more than $70,000 per vote.

"We have a long way to go," admitted Mr. Madeiros.

His victory means there is now a vacancy for an alderman on the corporation.

A further election announcement will be made by City Hall in due course.

Photo by Glenn Tucker New Mayor of Hamilton Sutherland Madeiros (left) is handed the chain of office by Acting Mayor David Dunkley.
Photo by Glenn Tucker New Mayor of Hamilton Sutherland Madeiros receives a victory kiss from his wife Susan Madeiros.