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Madeiros to mend bridges

Sutherland Madeiros is ready to take his position of Mayor of Hamilton and to mend bridges after his court case was thrown out on Monday.

Mr. Madeiros was elected the Mayor of Hamilton in October last year when he won 161 votes to Sonia Grant's 124 votes, however, a group of aldermen and councillors accused him of election interference.

Two aldermen and four Councillors all signed a letter asking for Mr. Madeiros' resignation and Ms. Grant decided to launch a case against Mr. Madeiros, Corporation of Hamilton secretary Kelly Miller and returning officer John Cooper,

Her case was thrown out on Monday by Chief Justice Richard Ground and last night one of the aldermen, William Black, came out in support of Mr. Madeiros.

Mr. Black said: "I have always backed him 100 percent."

When asked why he signed the letter, Mr. Black replied: "We felt that things had not been done right and we didn't want it to continue that way.

"I sent the letter because there was a cloud over our heads and we wanted it cleared one way or the other; either have it taken to court or he should have stepped down.

"We needed it to be cleared, but taking it to court was the wrong way.

"I didn't want a split corporation and now we are all going to work together."

Mr. Madeiros last night also seemed to be putting the messy situation behind him saying: "The case is over and I hope to move forward. It's like David Saul use to say: 'It's water under Flatts Bridge' and we have to move forward not backward.

"The City of Hamilton is bigger than all of us and we need to work together."