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Speed issues

What really makes me mad about the Road Safety Council is that they hide behind the banner of road safety to generate money for another agenda.When the Police hide in trees to catch so called speeders their position is that speed kills, however their actions would imply that speeding generates far more money than it does killing people.

July 5, 2002

Dear Sir,

What really makes me mad about the Road Safety Council is that they hide behind the banner of road safety to generate money for another agenda.

These individuals say speed kills.

Who can argue that?

When the Police hide in trees to catch so called speeders their position is that speed kills, however their actions would imply that speeding generates far more money than it does killing people.

One question we need to ask is “how much money a year the Government and insurance companies make off of speeding offences?”

Then you will see why they hide in the trees because no sane person will speed if officers where in plain view.

If we don’t speed they don’t make their money and they don’t want that.

So some genius came up with the idea to put the speed limit 20 kilometres per hour too slow and presto we have a “criminal offence”.

Whenever “A” attempts by law to impose his moral standards upon “B”, “A” is most likely a scoundrel.

