Darren Woods
Contestant Darren Woods' challenge is eating what he should and exercising when he should, but in spite of this, he has lost a remarkable 35 pounds since the beginning of the programme.
Asked if he was finding the programme difficult, he replied: "There have been times that I have had to push myself, but overall I feel that my previous swimming regimes have meant that I haven't found the programme too strenuous."
He is required to work out eight-and-a-half hours each week, but is doing more - 15 hours to be exact.
The former Bermuda champion swimmer said: "I am doing a lot extra. I run, take spinning classes, swim, play tennis and do different circuit training with friends."
Although he mainly works out alone, he has huge support.
"I have overwhelming support from my mother, colleagues and the community at large.
"When I run lots of people shout out to me rooting me on, walking through the street I receive compliments and support daily from strangers, which is really inspiring.
"At work I have Katherine Cupidore and Robin Hopkins Matos who keep me on track mentally and motivated to do my best.
"At home, I have my mother who cooks healthy meals and is the backbone of my success. Then I have my swim coach Ben Smith who is honest, constructive and maps out my personal, exclusive workout plan."
Mr. Woods' starting weight was 278 pounds. He has lost 35 pounds and now weighs 243.
"I workout 2-3 times a day aiming to lose 30 pounds in the first month and I did just that.
"I am happy insofar as reaching my fist goal. The ultimate objective is still some ways away, I won't be satisfied until the end."
He added: "I need a new wardrobe, a lot of my clothes don't fit me anymore especially my pants. But I have a lot of clothes from when I was this size before so I should be alright. I only recently became a fatty!"
Has the diet been a challenge?
"The diet has now become a lifestyle change for me. This challenge has shown me for the first time what my body likes and doesn't like.
"I no longer crave the fatty food or snacks anymore because my body no longer needs them. But don't get me wrong, it took a lot of discipline and I had my cravings along the way.
"The most important thing I have learnt is that I can train hard for a long time. When I swam, I always trained hard for two or three weeks then slacked off, now I have trained hard for six weeks and I feel great, I'm starting to look great and I'm ready to lose 45 more pounds!"