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The importance of diet supplements

A person's diet combined with their current state of health is key in determining if they need a multi vitamin. Clinical dietitian Lynne Da Ponte recently said for most Bermudians additional vitamin and mineral supplementation is not required as most people are able to get enough of the nutrients their bodies require, from the food they eat.

She said this is especially true because many foods eaten have been fortified with extra nutrients. Yet following comments from local general practitioner, Dr. Burton Butterfield she wants to reiterate that this is not true in all cases.

Supplementation may be necessary for individuals who are not following a nutritionally balanced diet, or where they have an illness or condition that impairs the amount of nutrients their body is absorbing.

Ms Da Ponte is an active member of the Bermuda Dietitian Association (BDA). She is a Clinical Dietitian registered with the American Dietetic Association (ADA) and adheres to their protocol and procedures in catering to all her clients.