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Fitting into regular sized clothes as another pound comes off

One more week and one more pound, but this weight loss was a milestone for The Royal Gazette's Live Healthy Bermuda 100 Day Challenge columnist, David Paynter.

David has now reached the second goal he set for himself — to lose 40 pounds by the end of the 100 Day Challenge.

Not only has he shed 40 pounds, but he has lost four pant sizes, which he said makes shopping a great experience.

He said: "It was a good experience. Van Swan in Cooper's men's department was so helpful. They've got an amazing selection, even for the bigger guys.

"But I had to keep changing, cause it was too big for me. I am down four pant sizes and I am in regular sizes now. I can go anywhere and buy them.

"I am excited to make the annual checkup. I am actually looking forward to having my annual."

He is usually told he has to lose weight and worry about his blood pressure, but this year he's sure it will be better. Though he also admits to knowing how a pregnant woman feels.

Having lost so much weight, he now finds people — friends and strangers — walking up to feel his stomach and comment on how his belly has disappeared.

He said: "I am starting to get a grasp for what it's like for pregnant women. People want to touch my stomach. People who have known me for years are surprised."

So even though during the week David was unable to workout as often as he would have liked, he was quite proud of his weight loss and is looking forward to the last two weeks of the 100 Day Challenge.